
Process Flow To Purchase The Product & Service

  1. If a parents wish to make the payment online ( then click on Login ERP (Click here) button on top right hand side of the website.

  2. Enter userid as admission no of the school and password as received on mobile. However if you forgot password you Click here can click on forgot password link and enter the registered mobile number given at the time of admission.

  3. After successful login , click on payment tab user will be redirected to the payment page where you need to enter some basic details such as email , mobile number and amount to pay. Click on pay now.

  4. User will be redirected to payment gateway page.

  5. Once the payment method is selected, user reaches to the order completion page displaying his/her Order ID & transaction ID for the payment along with the order details as well as status of transaction.

  6. User is also notified about the order details & payment receipts via email, sms & notifications.